The Hearts Quest
A Heart Seed Activation Journey
The Heart Seed Activation Journey is a journey deep into the heart chakra. This program was first consciously channeled on 12th December 2012. It activates the inner seeds for deep alignment. The journey time is 12 months, for 12 people who are ready to dive deep into healing their heart.
Start Date is 12/12/2023, 13 years on from when the first heart seed activation was channeled. The 12 months course will cover deep hidden patterns, fears beliefs that prevent your from listening to your your souls voice. Each month, a deeper activation will be completed. Your story and experiences is your journey. When you go into the heart you begin to embody the journey more consciously.
To register your interest email me by clicking the email pink button on this page.
About You
You have been consciously developing yourself and have experience of working on you through any of the energy practices and feel ready to go deeper into your heart and your soul. Though you may be on a version of your purpose you feel you need to embrace your inner most truth deeper to embody your purpose.
You understand that to be a leader in your field it is important to develop yourself and deepen your emotional intelligence to be able to lead yourself more effectively and holistically. This includes deepening soft conscious skills, radical self awareness and being prepared to embrace the unknown within. You intuitively understand this work will transformations deeply and will support you to embrace any situation.
You know resilience building is essential for going forwards and change is required. It is time for you to step into your leadership skills and seek to strengthen your core self to lead by example, as you know leadership begins with you. You have deep calling from your soul and now can no longer ignore it.
You may have already been on the journey a long time, healing a broken heart, you may have felt a strong raw breaking in the heart and want to heal that now. You know that having a strong heart means diving deeper than you have gone before. Beyond all that you know, you are ready to find the real you that is powerful and strong.
You are committed to yourself and willing to invest this time for you. It is more about the time and for allowing yourself to grow and expand.
You know you want to dive deep and have looking for a space that will allow you to grow free from dogma or needed to join a particular secular group where you have to subscribe to the teachings in strict way.
You believe in the freedom of your soul and your soul finding its sovereign heart with guided support.
You are willing to do the work, and heal your mind, heart and soul.
You want to be a place , where you feel deep peace and balanced as you navigate your true path.
You ultimately are choosing to take responsibility for your life creations, and look deeply at the core inner fears for change.
You may have been working on your own for long time and now wish to be and feel supported in a like minded community which will extend beyond the 12 twelve months as we all journey onwards together.
Brief Introduction to the beginning of the Heart Seed Activation Journey
The Heart Seed Activation was first channeled by Bhavna on 12.12.12 at 12pm in a workshop she was guided to do without previously knowing how it was going to work.
Originally Bhavna thought this was a one off and that she had done her activation. However the following year, she was guided to do the process again. This took her on a deeper journey. Since then she has activated her heart each year. Bhavna had started working to the moon cycles actively from 2009 and she found it supported her growth and therefore has decided to incorporate this with one year of moon cycle work. This course is the result of all the work she had done before the activation with the heart and heart chakra. During the last 13 years this work has deepened and been integrated from a soul perspective. This final year is all about soul integration into your life and grounding yourself on your path. Your personal path is deepened when your actions deepen their connection to your soul and you are able to bring your ego into alignment. As your ego aligns to your heart, your soul connection deepens. This begins to bring greater clarity to your own true purpose in life. Each persons journey will reveal their personal path. From the heart we can work together, individually we all have our own unique purpose. Being heart-centered is about diversity and inclusion of everyone.
During the 12 months of this course you will gain access to the years of knowledge and tools to that can be used easily by everyone. As you journey through 12 months of activation for your path there will be deep inner alchemy at soul level. Bhavna brings powerful heart-centered channeling to this course which means the meditations will be relevant to the current energetic development in the world and the work required for the group. Each month you will develop/deepen one of the core heart-centered themes such as ability to experience deep inner peace, compassion, joy, non-attachment, unconditional love, radical forgiveness, deepening soul and divine connection. You will be guided to work with you belief system and be empowered through that. You can also always use some of your personal support minutes to help you go deeper in your own journey.
The course begins on 12/12/2023 which is 13 years after the first heart seed activation was received. Most amazingly it is also a new moon, which makes it even more special and aligned to the work.
Skills & Tools you will develop on this course and support in their practice
Understand and recognize the different stress responses in different situations
Increase and sustain your personal resilience through life challenges
develop heart-focused skills and tools to help yourself and help others.
Develop strong emotional intelligence
Ability to align your head with your heart
Alignment with the body, heart and mind for balance and how it feels
Understanding your ego mind v heart alignment
Connection at different levels of existence through the 7 bodies of life
Deepening your chakra knowledge with your heart and life purpose
Power of alchemy and accessing it on the spot as you need it.
Chambers of the heart and how to access
Cosmic connection
Earth connection
Cosmic teachers and schools
Understanding you at different levels of existence
Information and reading suggestions
The Heart Centred approach is to be balanced and consider unknown solutions.
If you are really drawn to doing something but not sure how to pay for it or even if is affordable. Your courage to contact and discuss can open doors. Be true to your heart. Listen to your intuition.
Heart Seed Activation Journey Vision
I envision a future with heart centered leadership to permeate through all of life. Where we build communities based on support, care and well being. When our cup is full and overflowing it is easier to share with others freely.
The Heart Invites:
Inclusiveness, Diversity, Community and Love is at the heart of this path.
As we go through life, we experience a number leaders who are not willing to lead with the well-being of their teams. This is lacking in all types of profession including the caring and well-being sectors where I have worked. I found having a heart centered approach brought a positive impact to the teams I was working in. In some cases I was a colleague and able to influence other colleagues behaviours and in my final role I was managing a large team in the NHS during covid. It was due to my unusual ability to put well being at the fore front of all requests that I was able to manage support across 20 specialist services and even take on supporting another team where they were short of staff. I knew that holistic well being was essential and held weekly well being meetings to share tips and support each other. You see though each team worked as an individual unit, building care and support requires cooperation.
When you know someone has got your back, you will also have their back. This is how community is created in any situation of life. This is about 'we' and not 'I'. As a team you can get more done, when everyone has got each others back. This happens when everyone begins to consider the well-being of each other.
The purpose of the heart seed activation is to support others on the journey as this is a path that brings challenges up to work through. The more emotionally balanced you become the better leader you are in all areas of your life. Leadership can be from bottom up or top down. The more people with strong powerful hearts with the ability to have compassion, care and strong boundaries, the greater the positive impact on life. This 12 months course is to support deep heart based development in a supportive way. As you face challenges it helps to be able to discuss with others, who are approaching life in the same way. This group is about you as an individual and as a larger community. We learn and grow together, and support each other on the journey to becoming sovereign in the heart. You will build strong connections which most likely will continue in life.
For this journey I will provide you with a safe and supportive space to enable you to dive deep into your heart. The deeper you go the more you achieve. It is much easier for you to do this in a supportive environment. These 12 months is the start of heart centered friendships and support networks. After the course, I plan to start an online community for everyone who has joined and those who will join in the future. Let us build and connect with other heart based souls.
If are ready to lead yourself in an empowered way. Come and join me register your interest and get booking info.