At the Chalice Well in Glastonbury
This beautiful garden is filled with a beautiful energy that calls the heart of the feminine.
​It is one of my favourite spaces to be hanging out to simply refill my soul.
The Heart Chakra of the World
Did you know that Glastonbury is considered the Heart Chakra of the world? The energy here is special.
The Heart Chakra holds our emotions of the deepest fears and greatest desires. It is the place through which we net to our true essence however we choose to call it. It through the heart that we are able to connect to the deepest true peace. When we have peace we can tap into pure unconditional love , or divine love and this enables us to be see the light, experience the light within and ultimately be in our truth of consciousness. The Heart chakra brings us the experiences we need in order to reclaim our true soul essence and unique authentic path. Life is the journey to healing from our hearts. This means we have to enter the muddy waters of emotions and the conditionings of our life which causes internal interference. As we dive deeper into the heart, we connect to our soul and divine self. This is life of discovery through every life experience. All that I write about I write from my own experience. For my journey the experiential has been the priority and I have different books to gain insights and deepen my knowledge. Now I am like a channel transmitting information when I do this work to guide others.
The Healer - takes the journey to remove all this internal interference. It's the steps of the hero's journey when we embark on a deeper journey through our life experiences. We use life as mirror to return to the part of us that no longer needs to be healed. The Sovereign Self. Many of us take this path as an inner calling - the call to action, often not understanding what it is all about but knowing we have to do it. It is when we understand that the soul brings us the experiences we need in order to return to our Soul Self, True Self or Divine Self. This takes us beyond identification and into a space of unity eventually. This allows us to truly reclaim who we came here to be. Each person's healing journey is different and this is what the healer honours within themselves.
The Teacher - imparts the knowledge and techniques to empowers you to embody your journey as the healer returning to true self. The teachers is also a guide and only a guide, until you are able to effectively receive intuitive guidance from your true self. Generally the teacher is often the person we go to to receive tools for our growth and development but not always. Your understanding of teacher changes the deeper you go. The receiving of inner guidance can be in various forms, angels, gods, goddesses, ancestors and even your higher self, or soul self the part that remains untouched by life on earth.
The Artist - reminds you that you are the architect of your own life, ready to manifest your deepest authentic self in all that you do. It can present itself in any form that involves creativity. Through painting, writing, innovation or all types and through the work you are here to do. For instance, the artist in mean is creator of sacred geometry, as part of my journey have a journal of drawing I was intuitively guided to do at different times. I continue to do this.
The Initiator - as information transmissions for energy vibrations. Over time I realised was meant to provide invitations to different vibrations of energy. It is natural for me to do this. Whether it is a heart transmission, or a connection to divine self, divine beings, or specific vibrations such as love and peace. It is done through a very simple initiation to the energy. We all have something we are here to initiate and only by us doing that which we came to do do we fulfil our inner most truth.
The Heart Heals
The Sovereign Heart
What is the Sovereign Heart? How do we experience it?
Let's begin at the beginning. The fabric of life from which we are all created. It is the souls liminal space. A place of of feeling pure unconditional love. it is the gap that is talked about in mystical expressions of highest space to enter. It is the transitional space the souls returns in-between lives.
The Sovereign Heart has the ability to reconnect to this space consciously without using substances to enter and maintain a level of connection. It is from here that the ability to be fully presence in the moment arises. It takes time to undo all the constrictions created through conditioned living. It takes time to undo the levels of control we are unconsciously living under.
Soul Alignment
In the physical body we are conditioned from conception, and every environment we have lived in from our time in the womb is imprinted on our energy and integrated into the body. This is the reason it is very difficult to stay in a state of being present. This is why we use various tools to bypass the constraints to being to reconnect to our soul in that space.
The Heart
The first organ to grow in the embryo is the heart. This is where all our information is stored. Connecting to your heart is essential on any path of spirituality, well-being, emotional and even mental health. It is from the heart we learn to navigate life as the cardiovascular system forms. It is from here that our soul begins the connection to our life.
Above and Below
In the energy body, there are seven core chakras that are connected to the physical body for life on earth. The middle chakra is the heart chakra and is in the center of the chest close to the human heart. From a energetic perspective it connects and brings into balance the chakras above and below. Without going too deeply into the topic is allows us to connect to the physical life that requires human actions to the conscious life that connects us to expression,
The Teacher & Artist
Your heart is your greatest teacher as it connects to your higher soul self and it is the artist within. When your inner teacher and your inner artist begins to align you being to create from your heart. This is the intuitive side of you that begins to create in life your authentic truth into the world. How you choose to express this is part of your creativity.
A person with sovereignty has the capacity to enter into a level of conscious living where they are able to have the authority to respond to life in an empowered way. It means the ability to align your physical self, emotional self, mental self and spiritual self to have autonomy of your life direction. You live by being responsible for who you are in your life, through a consciousness that deeply connects to your soul.
In summary
Therefore the Sovereign Heart mean you live life empowered by your ability to direct your life through your inner balance and harmony as you express your souls authentic truth. You are able to live passionately and unconditionally true to you.